Daylight Savings Tips for Sleep

With daylight savings ending soon, parents often dread the adjustment many kids struggle to make related to sleep. Here are some tips to try in preparation for the time change (hint: these tips can also be helpful other times you or your child is struggling with sleep):

  • In the days leading to the time change, make 15- 30 minute incremental changes to prepare for the upcoming change (e.g., in the spring, try going to bed and waking a little earlier leading up to the day of time change). 
  • Limit screen time before bed- shutting down all screens at least 30 minutes before sleep. If screen time right before bed is something you/your child relies on to calm, try slowly cutting it back before bed, starting with 10 minutes and gradually stretching the time out longer.
  • Implement consistent bedtime routines working to create calm and relaxing environment 60 minutes prior to bedtime. 
  • Struggling with bedtime delays, worries, and fears? Allow for time to explore and discuss fears before moving to bed, work to understand fears related to bedtime and ways to lessen these (e.g., utilizing nightlights, checking under the bed together, use of a white noise machine to drown out household sounds). 
  • Limit stimulating activities before bed (e.g., screen time, caffeine, high activity level games).
  • If your child struggles to stay in their room, ensure them that you will check on them frequently. Start with checking in with them every 2 minutes, then move to 3, 4, 5 minutes. If they are still struggling, you can “camp” out by sitting next to them and each night moving your seat further away from them until you are outside of the room. 
    • Reward efforts to stay in the room. For instance, earning a coupon for each night they can remain in the room, working towards a reward (e.g., getting to pick their favorite meal or weekend movie) that is incentivizing for them. 
  • Spend time outside daily being physically active at least 30 minutes if possible. 
  • If these efforts are attempted, and your child is still struggling, speak to your medical professional for additional ideas. As always, we are here to help too!

Here are a few great resources to check out: